Advertising is the core of a business’s growth and success. Using advertising strategies to promote your business is highly important to create market awareness about your brands. So, here we have listed down a few important facts about advertising, how it affects your business and how to create eye-catching advertising to promote your brand!
The influence of advertising on business
Advertising acts as the link to persuade your buyers to find their needed product or service through an informative, attractive, and effective communicative way. Your business advertising is your business promotional tool which leads to an effective marketing strategy to achieve your business’s goals and profits. Let’s see what advertising does to your business!
1. Awareness creation
Advertising is the easiest way of communicating about your brand. This informs your customers about promotions, new products, and even information about who you are and what you do. This leads to your prospective customers to get in touch with your business!
2. Increases sales
An active sale depends on how you sell it to your customers. And the best way to get that done is through advertising because it brings your customers through an identified target market which allows business growth.
3. Brand identity
Your business advertising strategies allow your brand to expand through a highly competitive market segment! With your competitors, an outstanding and attractive advertisement will catch your customer’s attention. This helps your brand to be visible even in a highly competitive market!
How to create effective advertisements
There are many ways to create effective advertisements. The following tips will assist you to convey a powerful and more effective message through advertisements to promote your brand.
- Keep your ads relevant to what brands you are promoting
- Create multiple ads to reach a higher volume of your target market
- Add a description of what makes your brand stand out from your competitors
- Don’t be too technical and use simple customer language
- Communicate using ‘you’ or ‘your’ to address your customers directly
- Be specific about your offers and deals or new product/service lines
- Include a catchy call-to-action caption
- If you are selling a competitive price offer, make sure to include the price range
There are few facts you will need to avoid when it comes to creating an eye-catching advert:
- Inappropriate/excessive punctuations (eg: 50% off, grab it now!!!!! Valid only for 24hrs!!!!)
- Misleading adverts
An advertising strategy should include your business goals. The following are the main components of an effective advertisement. A creative advertising agency is highly competent in identifying the ideal design and advertising strategy for your business. They understand the importance of dividing business to business in accordance with their business goals and target markets.
- Headline: this indicates what your customers are searching for and to attract the correct leads towards your business.
- Subhead: brief information on the products and services you are selling.
- Body: this is the main advertising message and where you make your sale!
- Image: unless you advertise through radio, including an image grabs the attention at first glance than words.
- Call-to-action: Don’t let your customers walk away without getting them to get in touch! This is the communication that makes your customers to contact you!
A well-created advertisement will guarantee you to deliver your message to customers and leads. Even though you think advertising might be expensive, this is the easiest and most effective way to promote your brand!
Mediums to promote your brand through advertising
A brand can be promoted through many advertising methods! Choosing what type of advertising attracts more customers and creates effective brand awareness should be done by analyzing your market segment and your customer needs.
1. Advertising through website
Having a website is essential for a business to build their brand. Promoting your advertisements through your website helps your customers to be aware of your offers and new products or services. Even more, advertising through website drive leads to visit your website allowing them to become your paying customers in the future!
2. SEO advertising
Creating an advert with SEO (search engine optimized) keywords allows your advert to reach out to a vast range of target markets. These advertisements are highly efficient to get more leads and sales through digitalization marketing strategies.
3. Social media marketing
Creating an attractive social media advertisement is the easiest way to drive your business to success. According to Smart Insights social media research, there are 3.96 billion active social media users around the world! So, reaching out to a huge group through social media is a 100% possibility!
4. Infographic advertising
People tend to grab attention to an image more quickly than spending time reading words. So, getting out what you want to sell through a creative infographic is one of the fastest ways to grab your customers’ attention!
5. Email campaigns
If you’d like to reach a CEO or an important customer to introduce your new product or to let them know you are open for extra hours or anything
Therefore, creating an advertisement needs to be done in an efficient and effective way based on the above details. That’s why choosing an advertising agency saves you time and money!
H & D Creations, an advertising solutions provider in Sri Lanka assists you to make that connection by giving you an emotional advantage, that changes the way people think, feel and act about your brand. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!